Política de Privacidade


Object: Information Pursuant to art. 13 of the Regulation (EU) 679/2016 and legislation of each UE member States.
Pursuant to art. 13 of the EU Regulation n.2016/679 (hereafter “GDPR 2016/679”) and legislation of each UE member States (hereafter “Privacy Code”), stating provisions for the protection of persons and other subjects regarding the processing of personal data, we wish to inform you that the personal data you provide will be processed in compliance with the aforementioned law and the confidentiality obligations with respect to which all the companies belonging to BEST VISION GROUP are required to comply.

What data do we process?

Why do we need your data?

We use your data to follow up on your eventual interview for a vacancy in the company and for the management of the employment relationship and for commercial purposes.
Your data are specifically processed for:

How do we process your personal data?

The processing of your personal data is performed or digitally or on paper by some people who are internally authorized and trained for that. The processing of those data does not include the automated decision-making but involves the profiling for the activities related to the navigation on the website through technical tools such as cookies.

How long are your data stored?

Your personal data will be stored so long as it takes to accomplish the tasks related to the contract management as well as any resulting legal obligation. The data stored on the owner’s website will be deleted after 60 months inactivity. 6 months before the expiration date you will receive an email notification.
The data of those who do not buy or use products / services, even if they have had a previous contact with company representatives, will be immediately canceled or processed anonymously, where their preservation is not otherwise justified, unless it has been validly acquired the informed consent of the interested parties regarding a subsequent commercial promotion or market research activity.
The maximum data retention period is 10 years.

What happens if you do not supply us your data?

The provision of data is mandatory for all that is required by legal and contractual obligations and therefore any refusal to supply them in whole or in part may give rise to the impossibility of providing the services requested by the owner. The company processes the users’ optional data based on their consent that is through the explicit approval of this privacy policy and in relation to the methods and purposes described below.

What are your rights?

Pursuant to European Regulation 679/2016 (GDPR) and national legislation, the interested party can, in accordance with the procedures and within the limits established by current legislation, exercise the following rights:

Important Legal Information and terms of use

Persons accessing Persons accessing to this Web site are kindly requested to read both the contents of this page and the disclaimer. They declare themselves in agreement with the following conditions of use, restrictions and legal restrictions. Whoever does not accept the above should neither access the Best Vision Ltd. (Best Vision) Web site (referred to hereafter as the BestVision site) nor any of the pages and their links.

Use of Best Vision site

The Best Vision site is covered by copyright. It is possible to download or print from the site as long as the copyright is not removed. Without the written consent of Best Vision, the reproduction (either wholly or partially), transfer, modification creation of links or use of the Best Vision site for any public, private or commercial use is forbidden.
From time to time, Best Vision may modify both the contents of this page and the disclaimer’s terms. Accordingly, please review them from time to time. Your continued access to this Web site or establishment of a link to this Web site after the posting of modifications to one of them or both will constitute your acceptance of them, as modified. If, at any time, you do not wish to accept both the contents of this page, the disclaimer, or both, you must discontinue accessing or linking to this Web site.
Should the use of this Web site create a legal relationship between persons accessing this Web site and Best Vision, it shall be subject to Swiss law.

Cookies policy on BestVision® sites

Best Vision uses HTTP cookies in order to simplify the use of its internet sites. This policy statement is to inform you on the use of cookies on our internet sites.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small piece of data sent from a website and stored in a user’s web browser while the user is browsing that website. They make it possible to collect a body of information with the aim of improving the services accessible via our Internet sites.

With this information, it’s possible to analyse the traffic on our internet sites (number of visits, IP addresses, etc.).

This information is collected when you visit our website and it enables us to know which parts of our pages interest more our visitors of the site. Thus we can have a better knowledge of their needs and improve the content our site by supplying the most suitable information.

How to manage the cookies.

The procedure to be followed for the parameterization of cookies depends on the internet browser that you use.
You can yourself decide if our website is authorized to use cookies on your computer. You have the choice at any time of determining your browser options in such a way that no cookie is accepted and memorized. You also have the possibility of having a warning message shown each time before a cookie is accepted.

Can I refuse the use of cookies?

You can refuse to allow our Internet sites to use cookies when you visit them.

However, the use of certain functions on our website can be limited or deactivated if you refuse the cookies of our internet site.